Whether you’re at home or on-the-go, you’ll always be able to see what horny men are nearby. See who is online and who is looking for sex in the next few hours. Log in to on your smart phone to see the guys that are closest to you for a quick and convenient hookup.
Try Our Mobile Site to Find Hot Local Gay Men You can add the guys you find sexiest to your “Buddy List”, and even find out if they added you back - the “Matching Buddies” feature lets you know for sure that they’re also interested. Unlike Scruff, Growlr, and Grindr, lets you see which users have been checking out your profile. has a ton of features that your favorite gay dating app doesn’t have. Discover Which Hot Gay and Bi Men Have Been Cruising Your Profile is free to join and allows you not only to meet horny guys, but also to find the best gay cruising spots that each part of town has to offer. Whether you’re North West, South West, East, or anywhere in between, there a tons of guys close by seeking a steamy encounter. lets you find the guys in your area who are looking to hookup.
Despite not having a recognized gay village, Portland is still full of hot (and horny) gay and bi men.